Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 42

Here is a quick drawing of a character I found out about today, Zatanna. I know nothing about her, but she fascinates me, and I am excited to draw her again!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 41

Here is a sketch of Kagome from Inuyasha... it looks better without being washed out by the camera, but the scanner didn't pick up the pencil at all... I'm debating the idea of inking like everything so my dumb scanner will pick it up... I might even ink this but I don't know.

Anyways this is just a 30 minutes sketch, I didn't work very hard on getting everything 'correct' per-say. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 40

So this is really, really small in my sketchbook.. and colored on the computer obviously. I think It's the only thing that I have draw lately I don't dislike.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 39

I have decided that the goal of sketching everyday, was not nearly as hard or as annoying as the challenge for scanning in everyday... It's the scanning I have problems with.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 37

I was experimenting with my brush pen I had gotten in Chicago while I was there over Christmas... I forgot I had them... you can see the colors over on my other blog Pen Dragon's Art.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 35

I think it's awesome when I draw people and they come back & say "I like my hair!" or "I like my eyes!" or whatever it is. We often spend so much time focusing on what we don't like about ourselves, I think it's great that when I draw a portrait of them people start seeing things about themselves they like... and my drawing isn't even a good imitation of how beautiful they actually are. 

This portrait I got back from the person that they liked their hair and eyes, but this isn't the only portrait that has made me think of that. I can't actually say what the portraits I do of people makes them think, but I often wonder. Are they curious why I randomly decide to draw them? Are they happy they got chosen to be drawn this time? Do they wish I would draw them? Are they annoyed that I do? 

I don't know but in the end people seem to overall have a good reaction to it.

Maybe I'm thinking too much, I have a habit of doing so, but it makes me happy to see them happy, that I do know.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 34

Here's what I've been working on last night and today so far. Almost done, will post the finished result after it is done.

Day 33

Hey Y'all, I actually keep forgetting I have this blog, I've been extremely focused on my art right now I've been neglecting a few blogs of mine, well, most of them. Here is the latest piece I have done, enjoy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 3Two

Here's what I'm working on, a portrait of my friend, I drew her the other day but that one looked very cartoony and un-proportional for her so I didn't put it up.. I'm liking where this is going.

And for yesterday's inks, I have the colored version over on PDA

Day 3One

Hey Y'all, still been very busy lately. Yikes!!
Here is something I have been working on tonight, about to do some digital coloring!! How fun!! :D

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 3zero

The finished commission for a Twitter friend, pencil 2B... and about 11 hours into it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day Twenty9

I didn't do a sketch today...

APRIL FOOLS!... (had to)

I really don't know exactly what I was thinking when I did this was a sketch nut I did it on the computer... and colored as you can see. I've had a really bad day. Wow have I had a bad day. Happy April Fools.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day Twenty8

Hey Y'all, this is an old drawing but I thought it would be fun to put up...  finding/seeing this made me realize how much I really have improved since I started getting really serious about my art. This is from January 11th 2008.... and I do think, over the past couple years I've gotten better. ^^ It's a portrait of my two little brothers and I... enjoy!

Day Twenty7

Hey Y'all!
I don't usually put these things up, these first thought lazy concept sketches of characters I create.... but in attempt to get something up everyday I thought. why not?  This is probably some of the laziest work I've done in a while, but just an idea.

Add on: I did this sketch tonight too... hoping to get something more um... productive done tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day Twenty6

Hey Y'all!
A lot has actually been going on for me lately, and while I have continued to draw everyday I have SUCKED at posting, as I was just reminded when a friend of mine asked if I stopped doing this blog... Ooops!

Getting sick, having my Ex Step dad get stuck staying at our house for over 3 weeks, my computer dieing, my other one not working, backing up information, reformatting the computer, and (we are finally back and running) and having everyone else get sick... it's just, it goes on and on.... but, I will try and start posting here again!!

Here is Libby, the daughter of a friend of mine on FaceBook... I did this a couple days ago.. Enjoy!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day Twenty5

Hey Y'all, welcome to day Twenty5  yes I love saying Twenty Five or 25 as Twenty5 it's fun!
Anyways I'm actually catching up on my posts so I am well aware that I am posting more then once a day. Here's my next progress picture from draw Shawn Spencer.. whoo-oo!! Enjoy!

Day Twenty4

Hey Y'all, welcome to Twenty4! Here is my next progress shot of Shawn Spencer, I was going to scan it in before I did so much work on it but got carried away in working on this..! A couple of hours ago I was sure this drawing was taking a turn for the worst but now I still see hope for it.. though I don't think it will be on my best. I hope y'all are enjoying the progress shots...! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day Twenty3

Hey Y'all, here is me tightening up the sketch of Shawn Spencer.. still in the early stages but I have already fixed up several anatomy errors. Better early then later! This is all I will do for now, it's hard to work when your tired.. though... on second thought I may grab some coffee and work on it a little bit longer, I'm having fun..!

Day Twenty2

Concept sketch of Shawn Spencer... Psych is one of the few TV shows I can stand to watch. Not much yet, I'm tightening up the sketch now and will finish this tomorrow if all goes well, I'm excited about this portrait!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day Twenty1

Hey Y'all!! Welcome to day twenty1... Here is a portrait I started last night before I fell asleep.. Another FaceBook Portrait...whoo-hoo!! However, Patrick and I are not facebook friends, so I will not be tagging him once finished. He is Rikki's Husband.. (check day twenty for her portrait) This is just basic right now and I'm not sure if I have everything right but.. enjoy anyways!

*Grabs coffee and get's back to work!*

Day Twenty

Hey Y'all if you follow Pen Dragon's Art my art blog then you've already seen this if now then this is probably your first time. Took me about 3 hours, it's Riki... family who just friended me on facebook the other day. Enjoy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day Nineteen

I haven't been doing very well posting here every day huh? Anyways thought I'd try and at least get something up. After doing a portrait and sketching Spawn in the background,  (See here) I felt like doing an attempt at sketching him alone.... this is just a very loose sketch attempt at the moment, I will probably tighten up the sketch later. Took me like 15 minutes, enjoy!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day Eighteen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day eighteen! I'm really happy how this turned out, because usually I can't follow along with the steps in a drawing book and have it turn out good at all! I was following along with the guy drawing this in my book, though I did the lightning slightly differently, I didn't like his, anyways the object of this is to start getting the idea of anatomy through my head, so lets see how that works, out. 

Was just thinking to myself, "I wish I could draw like this from my head" Oh yeah, and then I say out loud "Yeah yeah, practice, practice, practice." I said to my Mom, "I figure I'll use a drawing book for how it's supposed to be used for once, and actually READ it and FOLLOW the instructions." Mom: "Lol!"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day Seventeen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day seventeen!  Here is a quick sketch I did of My Mom and her Boyfriend Rawle from London.  It was nice to just do some loose sketching, without to much worry of the entire thing... I had fun!! I suppose this could be labeled as a "Valentines day" drawing, you know.. all lovey dovey... LOL!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Sixteen


Valentines day, not my favorite holiday. ^^ but hey, enjoy it! Chocolate.. yeah, I'm a chocoholic, so .... in that way we are fine. LOLZ! Here is the first... or last.. not sure yet of my valentines day themed drawing(s) enjoy! -P.S. Sorry it's just a quick sketch today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day Fifteen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day fifteen!!
Yesterday I posted the sketch for this, and today if you follow me on either Twitter or we are friends on FaceBook you got to see the progress.  Now, I am finished, and about to post a note to the person it is for. I hope to draw Reece and Rylee here in the future, excellent subjects to draw!

Now, this was requested for me to draw before Christmas.. ouch, said it before will say it again, this is why I don't do open requests yet, I just don't have the time to actually do them. Done completely in #2 pencil just like all my recent portraits that you can see on this blog if you haven't already.

I am decently happy with this.. the first sketch I did took me about 3 hours, but after consideration I threw it out and started over, this drawing start to finish took me around 13 hours to finish. Enjoy!

My Twitter: @Cam_Anju

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day Fourteen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day fourteen
So, Here is me starting the basic shading for yesterdays sketch, I didn't get as much work done on this as I was hoping but, considering how I'm feeling today.. I've cutting myself some slack. 

-Molytail, I know.. still creepy eyes, but the eyes are usually the last thing I draw!!

Day Thirteen

Hey Y'all, today I managed to finish a sketch, starting sketch anyways, this is actually my second sketch of Reece and Rylee today... the first one didn't work out so well, I finally decided after nearly 4 hours of work... that's what I get for slacking off on my starter sketch, if the anatomy and proportions are not correctly drawn in here... then the drawing doesn't work out. So, after consideration and erasing and redoing a few tomes, I cut my losses copied what worked and scrapped the other drawing. I will work more on this tomorrow. This is actually my first attempt to do a double portrait... they have always scared me! However this was requested from me a few weeks before Christmas.. ouch. This is why I don't do open requests or commissions yet, I don't have the time to dedicate to actual work.

More tomorrow, I might even finish this in time for tomorrow with an early start, lots of work, if I do my best and with the help of a LOT of coffee.. lots and lots and lots... I'm still not feeling well today.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day Twelve

Welcome to day Twelve, here's the finished drawing from yesterday. It's my dad, yay!

Alright check out my dad's work:
Necrollusions -Art Website
DavidSkeleton -On deviantART 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day Eleven

Hey Y'all, welcome to day 11! 

I don't have any finished work for today but I will give y'all a glimpse of what I'm working on right now... yes my interest has caught once again in portraits.. drawing portraits has been something I've wanted to do since I was 6 and now... I'm doing it. I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn but the only way to improve is practice practice practice... I hope to have this finished by tomorrow... I will post the end result whenever i do finish. Enjoy!

Day Ten

Here's day 10! I've fallen a bit behind already this year but am going to start back up now.
It's a portrait I did of my step mother Renny. Enjoy..!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day Nine

Welcome to day 9!
I didn't get much done today... the other drawing i did get done early on today you can go see on my art blog Pen Dragon's Art.  I've been feeling that the my blog has been getting neglected since I just post the same pictures there as I do here.. so not today! Entirely different drawing there, that you have to go there to see. Enjoy!

Done all traditionally... not perfect, just a doodle really.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day Eight

Hey Y'all, welcome to day eight!

Well, after yesterday I was excited to do some more digital coloring! I had a very specific idea of how I wanted this to look, and well, from the line art to the coloring it doesn't even resemble what I had in mind. I think with more practice I'll get there. However, I am pretty happy with how this turned out. As you can see I was experimenting with shines, *those things scare me more then shadows!* Since her suit it supposed to be kind of glossy, it was needed. I really liked the secondary color on the gloves, originally her entire suit was going to be dark purple but it needed a break. Overall I am happy with my results and will keep practicing!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Seven

Hey Y'all!
Welcome to day seven, Here's the colored inks for my Ninja, I had a lot of fun coloring this on the computer, digital drawing is not usually something I do, but lately I have taken a bit more of an interest in it. While doing this I learned some more techniques to use while coloring. Enjoy!

Day Six

Hey y'all, welcome to day six...I finished this part traditionally, with pencil and then inking with a black brush pen, I really enjoy using them. Like my Ninja? :) Come back a little later, I m putting up the colored version next.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day Five; Seaside Space..

Hey Y'all, welcome to day five! I was playing around on my computer with some digital drawing, and playing in my paint program, I finished this and really liked the abstract look. It just looks like the seaside in space.. ^^ hmmm.. if it existed. Anyways, enjoy, I'm going to bed! See you all tomorrow!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day Four

Hey y'all, welcome to day four.. if you follow my blog pen dragon's art you've already seen this one, but since It's the only thing I managed to finish drawing today It's what you get for now. This is actually a very small drawing, but I made it bigger for here.. it also was done in a short amount of time so I know the anatomy isn't correct. See you all tomorrow!

Day Three

Hey Y'all!
Welcome to day 3! I was playing around with outfits today, after perfecting the anatomy this morning, I started looking for ideas of clothing that went together. Also, I drew shoes... actual shoes.. or attempted to anyways. If you follow my other blog, Pen Dragon's Art.. you know that I don't have a lot of colors to work with, but I thought this turned out nicely anyways.Come back for more tomorrow!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day Two

Hey Y'all, welcome to day 2!

I have been playing around with lights and shadows, as well as drawing black and white clothing. This is my first attempt of this. I don't normally draw black clothes because I'm not sure exactly how to show texture, form, shadows etc on pure black but I'm trying to experiment more with this. Be back tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day One

I'll start off by introducing myself, my name's Cammi Peterson, I'm 17 years old and an aspiring artist.

So today I've seen these 365 blogs, the ones I have seen are people dedicating to take a post a picture every day for this year. I thought that was a neat idea, but since I'm not much one one with a camera I thought I would take this "365 Blog" idea and put on a twist to have it meet goals I have already made for the year.

I'm a bit late already but am going to post from now on. I'm going to post one drawing every day for the rest of the year. I've already committed to drawing everyday but I think that this blog will help me keep focused on the fact I've made this goal... who knows, maybe something productive will come out of it.

I hope you'll follow along with me, and have a great year yourself. Here's your drawing for today, just a Manga girl I drew based on the Character Irma from W.I.T.C.H.