Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day Twenty5

Hey Y'all, welcome to day Twenty5  yes I love saying Twenty Five or 25 as Twenty5 it's fun!
Anyways I'm actually catching up on my posts so I am well aware that I am posting more then once a day. Here's my next progress picture from draw Shawn Spencer.. whoo-oo!! Enjoy!

Day Twenty4

Hey Y'all, welcome to Twenty4! Here is my next progress shot of Shawn Spencer, I was going to scan it in before I did so much work on it but got carried away in working on this..! A couple of hours ago I was sure this drawing was taking a turn for the worst but now I still see hope for it.. though I don't think it will be on my best. I hope y'all are enjoying the progress shots...! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day Twenty3

Hey Y'all, here is me tightening up the sketch of Shawn Spencer.. still in the early stages but I have already fixed up several anatomy errors. Better early then later! This is all I will do for now, it's hard to work when your tired.. though... on second thought I may grab some coffee and work on it a little bit longer, I'm having fun..!

Day Twenty2

Concept sketch of Shawn Spencer... Psych is one of the few TV shows I can stand to watch. Not much yet, I'm tightening up the sketch now and will finish this tomorrow if all goes well, I'm excited about this portrait!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day Twenty1

Hey Y'all!! Welcome to day twenty1... Here is a portrait I started last night before I fell asleep.. Another FaceBook Portrait...whoo-hoo!! However, Patrick and I are not facebook friends, so I will not be tagging him once finished. He is Rikki's Husband.. (check day twenty for her portrait) This is just basic right now and I'm not sure if I have everything right but.. enjoy anyways!

*Grabs coffee and get's back to work!*

Day Twenty

Hey Y'all if you follow Pen Dragon's Art my art blog then you've already seen this if now then this is probably your first time. Took me about 3 hours, it's Riki... family who just friended me on facebook the other day. Enjoy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day Nineteen

I haven't been doing very well posting here every day huh? Anyways thought I'd try and at least get something up. After doing a portrait and sketching Spawn in the background,  (See here) I felt like doing an attempt at sketching him alone.... this is just a very loose sketch attempt at the moment, I will probably tighten up the sketch later. Took me like 15 minutes, enjoy!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day Eighteen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day eighteen! I'm really happy how this turned out, because usually I can't follow along with the steps in a drawing book and have it turn out good at all! I was following along with the guy drawing this in my book, though I did the lightning slightly differently, I didn't like his, anyways the object of this is to start getting the idea of anatomy through my head, so lets see how that works, out. 

Was just thinking to myself, "I wish I could draw like this from my head" Oh yeah, and then I say out loud "Yeah yeah, practice, practice, practice." I said to my Mom, "I figure I'll use a drawing book for how it's supposed to be used for once, and actually READ it and FOLLOW the instructions." Mom: "Lol!"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day Seventeen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day seventeen!  Here is a quick sketch I did of My Mom and her Boyfriend Rawle from London.  It was nice to just do some loose sketching, without to much worry of the entire thing... I had fun!! I suppose this could be labeled as a "Valentines day" drawing, you know.. all lovey dovey... LOL!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Sixteen


Valentines day, not my favorite holiday. ^^ but hey, enjoy it! Chocolate.. yeah, I'm a chocoholic, so .... in that way we are fine. LOLZ! Here is the first... or last.. not sure yet of my valentines day themed drawing(s) enjoy! -P.S. Sorry it's just a quick sketch today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day Fifteen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day fifteen!!
Yesterday I posted the sketch for this, and today if you follow me on either Twitter or we are friends on FaceBook you got to see the progress.  Now, I am finished, and about to post a note to the person it is for. I hope to draw Reece and Rylee here in the future, excellent subjects to draw!

Now, this was requested for me to draw before Christmas.. ouch, said it before will say it again, this is why I don't do open requests yet, I just don't have the time to actually do them. Done completely in #2 pencil just like all my recent portraits that you can see on this blog if you haven't already.

I am decently happy with this.. the first sketch I did took me about 3 hours, but after consideration I threw it out and started over, this drawing start to finish took me around 13 hours to finish. Enjoy!

My Twitter: @Cam_Anju

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day Fourteen

Hey Y'all, welcome to day fourteen
So, Here is me starting the basic shading for yesterdays sketch, I didn't get as much work done on this as I was hoping but, considering how I'm feeling today.. I've cutting myself some slack. 

-Molytail, I know.. still creepy eyes, but the eyes are usually the last thing I draw!!

Day Thirteen

Hey Y'all, today I managed to finish a sketch, starting sketch anyways, this is actually my second sketch of Reece and Rylee today... the first one didn't work out so well, I finally decided after nearly 4 hours of work... that's what I get for slacking off on my starter sketch, if the anatomy and proportions are not correctly drawn in here... then the drawing doesn't work out. So, after consideration and erasing and redoing a few tomes, I cut my losses copied what worked and scrapped the other drawing. I will work more on this tomorrow. This is actually my first attempt to do a double portrait... they have always scared me! However this was requested from me a few weeks before Christmas.. ouch. This is why I don't do open requests or commissions yet, I don't have the time to dedicate to actual work.

More tomorrow, I might even finish this in time for tomorrow with an early start, lots of work, if I do my best and with the help of a LOT of coffee.. lots and lots and lots... I'm still not feeling well today.