Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day Twelve

Welcome to day Twelve, here's the finished drawing from yesterday. It's my dad, yay!

Alright check out my dad's work:
Necrollusions -Art Website
DavidSkeleton -On deviantART 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day Eleven

Hey Y'all, welcome to day 11! 

I don't have any finished work for today but I will give y'all a glimpse of what I'm working on right now... yes my interest has caught once again in portraits.. drawing portraits has been something I've wanted to do since I was 6 and now... I'm doing it. I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn but the only way to improve is practice practice practice... I hope to have this finished by tomorrow... I will post the end result whenever i do finish. Enjoy!

Day Ten

Here's day 10! I've fallen a bit behind already this year but am going to start back up now.
It's a portrait I did of my step mother Renny. Enjoy..!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day Nine

Welcome to day 9!
I didn't get much done today... the other drawing i did get done early on today you can go see on my art blog Pen Dragon's Art.  I've been feeling that the my blog has been getting neglected since I just post the same pictures there as I do here.. so not today! Entirely different drawing there, that you have to go there to see. Enjoy!

Done all traditionally... not perfect, just a doodle really.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day Eight

Hey Y'all, welcome to day eight!

Well, after yesterday I was excited to do some more digital coloring! I had a very specific idea of how I wanted this to look, and well, from the line art to the coloring it doesn't even resemble what I had in mind. I think with more practice I'll get there. However, I am pretty happy with how this turned out. As you can see I was experimenting with shines, *those things scare me more then shadows!* Since her suit it supposed to be kind of glossy, it was needed. I really liked the secondary color on the gloves, originally her entire suit was going to be dark purple but it needed a break. Overall I am happy with my results and will keep practicing!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Seven

Hey Y'all!
Welcome to day seven, Here's the colored inks for my Ninja, I had a lot of fun coloring this on the computer, digital drawing is not usually something I do, but lately I have taken a bit more of an interest in it. While doing this I learned some more techniques to use while coloring. Enjoy!

Day Six

Hey y'all, welcome to day six...I finished this part traditionally, with pencil and then inking with a black brush pen, I really enjoy using them. Like my Ninja? :) Come back a little later, I m putting up the colored version next.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day Five; Seaside Space..

Hey Y'all, welcome to day five! I was playing around on my computer with some digital drawing, and playing in my paint program, I finished this and really liked the abstract look. It just looks like the seaside in space.. ^^ hmmm.. if it existed. Anyways, enjoy, I'm going to bed! See you all tomorrow!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day Four

Hey y'all, welcome to day four.. if you follow my blog pen dragon's art you've already seen this one, but since It's the only thing I managed to finish drawing today It's what you get for now. This is actually a very small drawing, but I made it bigger for here.. it also was done in a short amount of time so I know the anatomy isn't correct. See you all tomorrow!

Day Three

Hey Y'all!
Welcome to day 3! I was playing around with outfits today, after perfecting the anatomy this morning, I started looking for ideas of clothing that went together. Also, I drew shoes... actual shoes.. or attempted to anyways. If you follow my other blog, Pen Dragon's Art.. you know that I don't have a lot of colors to work with, but I thought this turned out nicely anyways.Come back for more tomorrow!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day Two

Hey Y'all, welcome to day 2!

I have been playing around with lights and shadows, as well as drawing black and white clothing. This is my first attempt of this. I don't normally draw black clothes because I'm not sure exactly how to show texture, form, shadows etc on pure black but I'm trying to experiment more with this. Be back tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day One

I'll start off by introducing myself, my name's Cammi Peterson, I'm 17 years old and an aspiring artist.

So today I've seen these 365 blogs, the ones I have seen are people dedicating to take a post a picture every day for this year. I thought that was a neat idea, but since I'm not much one one with a camera I thought I would take this "365 Blog" idea and put on a twist to have it meet goals I have already made for the year.

I'm a bit late already but am going to post from now on. I'm going to post one drawing every day for the rest of the year. I've already committed to drawing everyday but I think that this blog will help me keep focused on the fact I've made this goal... who knows, maybe something productive will come out of it.

I hope you'll follow along with me, and have a great year yourself. Here's your drawing for today, just a Manga girl I drew based on the Character Irma from W.I.T.C.H.